Level 21


  1. SSH to bandit20
  2. Use the SUID binary to recieve the password for bandit21

Objective 1

  • Username: bandit20
  • Password: GbKksEFF4yrVs6il55v6gwY5aVje5f0j
  • Port: 2220
  • IP/Hostname: bandit.labs.overthewire.org
user@localhost:~$ ssh -p 2220 [email protected]


Objective 2

Testing the output of the SUID binary in the home directory.

bandit20@bandit:~$ ./suconnect 
Usage: ./suconnect <portnumber>
This program will connect to the given port on localhost using TCP. If it receives the correct password from the other side, the next password is transmitted back.

It appears that we have to control both ends of the connection, so we need to have a nc open for the suconnect binary to connect and give us the password with.

Connect with another session:

user@localhost:~$ ssh -p 2220 [email protected]

Now that you're in, you need to start a nc server with the password to get the new password.

bandit20@bandit:~$ echo "GbKksEFF4yrVs6il55v6gwY5aVje5f0j" | nc -nvlp 9001
listening on [any] 9001 ...

Now us the SUID binary to make the connection.

bandit20@bandit:~$ ./suconnect 9001
Read: GbKksEFF4yrVs6il55v6gwY5aVje5f0j
Password matches, sending next password
bandit20@bandit:~$ echo "GbKksEFF4yrVs6il55v6gwY5aVje5f0j" | nc -nvlp 9001
listening on [any] 9001 ...
connect to [] from (UNKNOWN) [] 35764